Kazuma Kiryu, the iconic protagonist from the Yakuza series, has consistently shown his prowess in brutal street fights, yet has never made...
Squid Shock Studios, the developer behind the recently launched game Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus, has reached out to its fanbase...
Bungie, the renowned game development studio behind the Destiny franchise, recently experienced significant turbulence, resulting in over 200 staff layoffs and the...
The much-anticipated sequel to the popular management game, Prison Architect 2, faces yet another delay. This time, the delay might be indefinite,...
“Star Wars Outlaws” has been turning heads with its unique blend of influences and gameplay elements. While initial impressions noted a certain...
Total War: Pharaoh experienced a challenging launch, mostly due to the broader issues surrounding Creative Assembly rather than the game itself. Community...
If you ever find yourself in the middle of an argument about Call of Duty and want to toss a tank of...
Marvel Rivals’ closed beta test has kicked off to an impressive start, with servers getting overwhelmed initially and the hero shooter climbing...
Warframe’s upcoming major story update, the 1999 expansion, is set to introduce a variety of new features, including a surprising addition: a...
Not since Kiriko has a new Overwatch hero so significantly impacted queue times in Quick Play. Juno, the game’s latest support hero,...