FFXIV’s PvP Community is Planning a Global Queue Sync for the Cloud Data Center Test
In accordance with according to the the FFXIVPvP Revival Discord which is being led by the EU Frontlines community, the FFXIV’s PvP community has been trying to set up a worldwide PvP queue sync using servers like the Cloud Data Center test servers. They’ve called it as a “once in a decade” possibility (it’s rare that cross-region play is so easy and affordable for MMOs, excluding beta tests) PvP players on all of the EU, JP, OCE and NA servers will be able to queue to join in Frontlines, FFXIV’s PvP mode that has 72 players. Additionally, they will participate in Rival Rings soon after.
According to the webpage for the event according to the event page, the queue sync is scheduled to take place on November. 25, from 5:30am PST from 8:30am PST on Frontlines as well as from noon PST through 8pm PST in Rival Wings. Participants must create their own avatar to the NA Cloud DC (Beta) data center located on the “CloudTest02” home world.
On Saturday, players will meet at CloudTest02’s Wolves’ Den Pier to get together in-game. In order to keep the game running smoothly the players should set their Duty Finder language as French exclusively in the Frontlines. In this way, they’ll get synced up with other players of the competition. In order to play Rival Wings, players have to wait at the CloudTest02 server, and then go to Wolves’ Den. Wolves’ Den to see the shouts.
In the lead-up to every match, organizers broadcast the Eorzea Time (ET), warning players of the time to queue to line up. This event is open to everyone, and will accept solo players as well as events.
Although there are several good suggestions on the best way to conduct the Cloud Data Center Stress Test but it’s still being realized how exclusive and rare the chance offers. It’s the opportunity to engage alongside FXIVplayers all over the world in a way that is more than the usual. Although PvP is a possibility but it’s a dream to watch glamour contests entertainment, RP-related events, raids as well as everything else that is in-between, used in conjunction with the world community. It is my hope that this PvP event will be only one of the many amazing events that will emerge from this stress test.