Fortnite LEGO: How To Create A Lumber Mill
There’s a lot of wood available within the realm of Fortnite LEGO, but until you construct an actual Lumber Mill, you’re restricted to the ways that you can make use of the wood. It’s good to know that making the Lumber Mill is among the easiest stations you can build within Fortnite LEGO.
For the construction of an actual lumber mill, you’ll first must construct the crafting bench. Once you’ve completed that, you’ll get the recipe to build your Lumber Mill, which you are able to build anywhere however, you’ll need to construct it inside the boundaries of your community in order to increase the level of your village slightly. A lumber mill can be built for eight wood pieces and fifteen granite which is why it could be worth constructing at the very least the tools of a pickaxe prior to working on the mill.
After having crafted and put in the Lumber Mill in its place, you’ll be able to make rods and planks made of different kinds of wood that found in your journeys. Rods and planks can be useful in the creation of swords, which is why you’ll require the Lumber Mill if you’re planning for surviving battles against monsters in the for a long time.