World of Warcraft’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Introduces Modernized Tier 2 Armor Sets and New Activities

Blizzard is celebrating World of Warcraft‘s (WoW) 20th anniversary with an expansive in-game event that will run for over two months, offering players a wealth of new activities and rewards. This milestone anniversary coincides with WoW’s 11.0.5 update, showcasing a nostalgic nod to the past while integrating new content that honors 30 years of the Warcraft franchise and 20 years of the popular MMORPG.
Modernized Tier 2 Armor Sets: The star attraction of the anniversary event is the opportunity to obtain updated versions of WoW’s iconic Tier 2 armor sets. Originally released in the vanilla version of WoW, these sets—known for their standout designs—remain among the most beloved armor in the game. To celebrate the anniversary, Blizzard has given these sets a modern visual overhaul, ensuring they align with WoW’s current graphics. New classes like Death Knights, Monks, Demon Hunters, and Evokers, which didn’t exist during the original Tier 2 release, will also receive brand-new, nostalgic-inspired armor sets for the event.
New and Updated Activities: The anniversary celebration brings back some of WoW’s most iconic dungeons and raids in exciting new ways. A major highlight is the return of Blackrock Depths, now being introduced as a raid. Outdoor events inspired by the legendary Gates of Ahn’Qiraj event will take place in Silithus, tapping into the game’s rich history.
Additionally, classic dungeons like The Deadmines, Zul’Farrak, Dire Maul, and Stratholme will receive Timewalking treatment, allowing players to revisit them with updated rewards. For PvP enthusiasts, the Korrak’s Revenge brawl will make a return, offering a chance to relive nostalgic battlegrounds.
Rewards and Special Festivities: Participation in both anniversary activities and Season 1 content will allow players to earn a new in-game currency. This currency can be spent on the updated Tier 2 armor sets as well as other cosmetics, including new mounts, pets, and a set modeled after Blizzard’s service rewards for longtime employees.
The Caverns of Time will serve as a hub for the festivities, featuring various events such as dressing up as iconic WoW characters, listening to tales of WoW’s past by Lorewalker Cho, and engaging in a Mount Mania minigame to flaunt players’ mount collections.
New Class Options for Dracthyr: Patch 11.0.5 also introduces new options for Dracthyr players. Previously exclusive to the Evoker class, Dracthyr characters will now be able to take on additional roles such as Rogue, Warlock, Hunter, Priest, Mage, and Warrior. Additionally, Shamans will receive a visual update for their Ascended forms, which will now reflect the various elemental powers they control.
While Blizzard has not yet confirmed the release date for the 11.0.5 patch, it is expected to arrive soon, with testing on the public test realm anticipated in the coming weeks. Historically, WoW anniversary events occur in November, suggesting that the patch will coincide with this timeframe.
This anniversary event comes on the heels of the recent launch of WoW’s latest expansion, The War Within, which has received high praise. WoW: The War Within Season 1, including the expansion’s first raid and Mythic+ dungeon and PvP seasons, begins on September 10.